Fitness Focus

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The Power of the Deadlift

Deadlifts have become one of the most popular exercises in the gym. You've probably noticed more and more people spending a significant amount of time working out with Olympic weights in recent years, but, more specifically doing deadlifts.  There's a good reason for this; for such a primitive and simplistic exercise, it carries numerous benefits which can help nearly anybody, no matter what their fitness goals.

The simplicity of a deadlift is perfectly described in the exercises' name; it's literally the action of lifting dead-weight up off of the floor, usually with a long bar and weights on either side.  Traditionally, you would have seen deadlifts done in one form of competition or another; maybe in a strongman contest or Crossfit type of setting where the goal is to lift as much weight as possible at one time or as many times as possible.

But, deadlifts don't always need to always consist of lifting one's maximum amount of weight.  In fact, that can be the most detrimental mistake when performing the exercise. The term quality over quantity is the best rule of thumb in the case of both an average person in the gym or anyone training with a specific purpose; focus on a quality form and technique versus the quantity of weight lifted.


While lifting a dead weight off of the floor seems like a simple task, performing a deadlift with proper technique is another story and is essential for 2 reasons. First of all, no matter the amount of weight you're trying to lift, if you're doing it with improper form you will, at some point, injure yourself.  Second, there are numerous benefits to performing a deadlift correctly so you want to make sure it's being done efficiently and effectively.

A Fitness Focus Trainer would definitely the best recommendation to learn how to deadlift for efficiency and effectiveness; but let's dig more into why you should incorporate deadlifting into your workout and what benefits you can expect to see.


Some general aches and pains we deal with in our normal day to day life can be related directly to our posture.  Tight chest muscles and ribs, lower back soreness; even stiffness in the knees all tie directly to our posture while we're walking, standing or even sitting.  Adding proper deadlifts consistently into your routine can activate and develop and strengthen the muscles around these areas and helps improve posture, ultimately alleviating these common aches and pains.

Reducing the possibility of Injuries

Legs and back have the most and largest muscles out of every body part.  They are also the body parts which are used the most for a majority of your day to day functions such as going up and down stairs carrying objects and balancing.  Weaker muscles in your legs and back means there's a higher likelihood of an injury accompanied by a longer recovery process.    Developing and conditioning the muscles in and around your legs and back are your best bet for avoiding injuries in the first place.

Use More Muscle Groups

Deadlifts use more muscles than any other exercise. Core muscles including abs, obliques and lower back are engaged through the entire exercise.  Grip strength improves through the use of hand and forearms.  Upper back and trapezius muscles which tie into the neck. So, if you were only allowed to use one exercise for the rest of your life, your best choice is a deadlift; it incorporates all the major muscles groups which mean less need to target many of the secondary muscles.

If you're convinced about the power of the deadlift, and you want to learn how or to improve your technique on this or any other exercise in and out of the gym contact a trainer trainer today.


After 2 years; our Black Friday sale is back!  One Year Memberships for 2 people for $599.

Once you break it down, sharing it with a friend, it's only $298.50 each for all of our major amenities.

The offer's available until the end of Tuesday November 29th.

 Individual Biweekly Memberships are available at regular pricing with zero sign-up fee. (Save $30.00)

  • Black Friday price applies to paid term memberships only
  • Black Friday deal open to any new or existing members
  • Sale ends Tuesday November 29 at 11pm

Childcare available as an add-on for $24/month
Childcare cannot be shared between separate families

*Tanning only available to members over 18

Launch 2022 The Right Way in The Gym

You've checked out a lot of Saskatoon Gyms; they're all different and they all have great things to offer. One thing that sets us apart is our variety of equipment.  Why is variety important in the gym? First of all, your health and fitness pivot on your ability to always challenge your body in different ways. Second, life and workouts get boring and stagnant without change.  So take advantage of the variety!

 After 20 years, we've understandably accumulated quite a selection of equipment; and to start off 2022, we wanted to keep the collection growing.  After all, it's all here for you!  What better way to say thanks to our members for their support over the past 2 years?  Also, in light of the difficult year you've been through, it's our job to help keep your drive alive and keep you focused on your wellness by offering more tools for you to make that return to the gym every day and to make every workout, the best possible workout. 

New to the Cardio Room

Assault Air Bikes might just be one of the most intense types of cardio training you will ever do.  The Assault brand bike is the original Air Bike which set the bar very high for all of its competitors.  It's dubbed "the Air Bike designed by athletes for athletes

Now, if you aren't a "trained athlete, that's perfectly fine.  If Air Bikes are new to you, here are a couple things you might like to know about them.  Like any bike, the foot pedals are the main source of propulsion, but a unique feature of Air Bikes are the arm pedals that incorporate your upper body in the exercise, not just your legs.  This means you're burning more calories and conditioning more muscles than a traditional stationary bike.

A great feature with all Assault Brand Equipment, yes we have an Assault motor-less Treadmill as well; is they are ideal for HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training. Essentially that is the ability to seamlessly switch between higher intensity and lower intensity intervals of your workout.

One last bit of info before you seek these things out, the name Air Bike is from the fan blades on the front of the bike. The resistance is created by the fan when the pedals are in motion, not like a traditional gear and sprocket system.

 New in The Main Gym

This one is simple; but it's a game changer.  The Multi-bar, or "Swiss Bar" is great for pushing exercises.  The obvious difference with this bar is the curve; but why this bar is special are the hand grips which run perpendicular to standard Olympic bars.  If you have never experienced a shoulder injury, you won't know what a detriment a traditional bench press can be.

The varied grip allows your elbows to lower in a more natural way, saving the user from reinjuring the joint and causing more discomfort, while still getting the benefit of a chest press.

The Atlantis Glute Drive is an amazing addition to the gym, and ultimately, your leg workout.  Also known as the Hip Thrust Machine, you are going to find benefits for more than just one muscle group when you start to incorporate these into your routine.

The design is simple; a large pad for back and shoulder support, a large foot platform, and a round pad you press upward with your hips.

The primary muscle you're targeting with the Glute Drive is, naturally, the Glutes. Other muscles you'll find get a great workout from this machine are your abs, lower back, hamstrings and thighs.

Finally, one great feature of this machine is how you can load the resistance. Standard weight plates can be loaded, as seen in the image. You also have the option for attaching resistance bands which provide resistance that becomes gradually more difficult as you push the weight through the exercise.

If these new additions look like they may be great additions to your workout routine, but you still have questions, please be sure to ask our staff for assistance; because if you want to have the most effective and diverse workouts,

This is where you focus!

Your Relationship with Your Fitness Routine

Why it's so hard to stay with your workouts long term

-Fitness Focus Saskatoon-

We've all got a different reason to include exercise and fitness into our lives. Maybe it was doctor's orders that you need to make some drastic life changes. Maybe you miss feeling as good as you did back in high school. If you're already athletic, you may just want to take things to the next level. 

Whatever it is that led you down this road towards improving or maintaining your personal health and fitness, there's one thing that we all have in common, which is that when we started we all had some sort of goal or outcome in mind. Treat your relationship with your workout like you would any other relationship in your life. At some point you may ask yourself, "am I getting what I need?"; so it's important to remember that what you get out of it will likely depend on what you put in.

What's the reason we give up on our gym regimen? 

Anybody that's ever started a workout plan likely never thought to themselves about whether or not they were going to still be working out a year down the road, or even six months for that matter.

A lot of the time, we just find it doesn't mesh with the rest of our life; it's a scheduling issue. With work, family, extracurricular, life events or that curve ball that life will inevitable throw at you; obstacles will get in your way and the easiest thing to do is remove health and fitness from your daily routine. 

What can you do about this?  

Since time, or lack thereof, is generally always the issue that causes us not to go to the gym and ultimately cancel a membership all together; how we use our time is the most important factor we need to control. So, plan and prepare!

“By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Prepare your exercises

Have a clear idea of what your workout is going to look like. Going to the gym without a clear idea of what you plan to accomplish is like going for groceries without a shopping list. Do that, and you're probably going to miss out on some important things you meant to buy.  You're also likely going to end up spending more money than you had hoped you would; and the amount of time you'll spend wandering the aisles wondering what you missed is just time wasted.

Plan out your days, and prepare you exercises.

It helps to know what the purpose of the day's workout is. An example, if you know day 1 consists of a leg work out and some cardio; maybe day 2 will include cardio followed by a yoga class and day 3 will be upper body.  That's perfect; you've already answered the question of where does your attention need to be focused for today's workout

To really make the best use of your time at the gym, you need to know which direction you're going to go the second you walk in the building.  Have your exercises prepared by having a training program.  With a little experience going to the gym, a person could easily come up with a suitable program for themselves. 

You can pick a generic fitness program from nearly any source online; which can sometimes be helpful in giving some different ideas and perspectives.  But your ideal solution for how to best use your time in the gym will always be to hire a trainer and have them create a program for you.  If you have a goal to weigh a certain weight and you need the most efficient workout possible, a professionally made program can be properly tailored around your specific goals and needs.  

In the end 

The most common reason that anyone has for quitting the gym and dumping a workout routine is lack of time in a day.  It is true; the gym sometimes does need to take a backseat to some other important things in life like work and family, that's why it needs to be factored in by planning it out. 

If sacrificing your health and longevity seems like the only solution in making a busy life a little more manageable; just know that a little preparation can go a long way.  Your time at the gym doesn't need to take up a lot of your day. A visit to the gym can be made much more efficient, meaning you can be in and out much quicker, hence your workouts won't interfere with the rest of your life.

The Most Adorable Yoga

This February we're beyond excited to present to Saskatoon, Puppy Yoga!  This is our first ever time offering this event which we've aptly called Mutts & Mats: Yoga for a New Hope. What could be more enjoyable than a relaxing Yoga class, surrounded by adorable 3-month old puppies? While this class is currently sold out, the initial response has been so overwhelming, we plan to provide this class again in the very near future.

If you've ever been to our gym you've likely met our Gym Dog named Dak.  Having Dak around, and the reception he's gotten from all of our member, we've realized what an admiration you all have for dogs.  We've also realized just how many of you out there all have a furry family member of your own. We figured it was only fitting to combine something as lovable as dogs with something so many of you are so passionate about as Yoga.  And hey, if yoga can be made more popular with the addition of cats or goats, then puppy yoga might just be the best thing ever invented.

Saskatoon Puppy YogaOur friends at New Hope Dog Rescue in Saskatoon will be bringing their newest litter of German Shepherd cross puppies to explore and play around the Fitness Focus yoga studio while all the participants find their zen. All proceeds raised by Mutts & Mats will be going to New Hope Dog Rescue, which provides financial aid for emergency surgeries, housing, food and other expenses associated with the process of finding dogs a forever home. 

Be sure to watch for upcoming announcements for the next available Puppy Yoga Session.

2019 New Years

 Hey Saskatoon, have you already lost your New Years ambition to get to the gym?  It's really easy to get excited about starting that training program when you're just starting a new gym membership, or rejuvenating the one you have been ignoring since the summer.  Here are a few tips that can help you keep on track, permanently:

1.   Have a plan!  If you can plan ahead, your ability to stay the course will be that much better and you'll be able to avoid external stresses and time constraints.

2.   Be disciplined! Make sure you do everything from eating, planning, training and resting with consistency. Once you find your groove, anything that deviates from the routine will be your motivation to get back on track.

3.   Stay positive!  All the negative influences over a few days seem to accumulate and cause your drive to workout to completely crumble.  Leave it all behind you. Dwelling on the negative things in life, even on the way to the gym, will make you feel like turning around and going straight home. After that, you'll wind up feeling guilty that you missed your workout, and the negativity continues.

4.   Define your goal!  To simply go to the gym is not a goal. Too often you might find yourself going through the motions and not facing the challenge each day.  Choose where you want to be and what you want to achieve. Otherwise you'll never realize that you've succeeded

2017 is Behind Us - This is Fitness Focus' Year in Review

Do you ever notice how some years just fly by? So quickly in fact that you would swear that, despite the cold weather, it was still only August or September.  Well that was 2017 in a Nutshell for us; honestly where did it go?  We want to take a moment to share a few highlight of what we got up to over the past year.

Back to the beginning, we'll set the scene for you. January 2017 started with rising and falling temperatures, which as we know in Saskatoon, causes water mains to rupture. As you likely know, Fitness Focus is located in an older neighborhood, and along with that comes an old infrastructure.  Our busiest time of the year, and we get stuck with no running water. After almost five days fighting well below zero temperatures, the city was able to repair the main and we were back in business.    

In March we added some new equipment to the weight room. Some much needed functional training equipment really brought things together.  A dead lift platform was brought in in the power lifting area; the hard, elevated surface has been put to good use, so much that we've considered adding a second platform.  In addition to the platform we added some new bumper plates which allow for easier loading and smoother lifts.

Another goody in the strength department was a Sissy Squat Bench.  Don't let the name fool you; the Sissy Squat movement is as challenging as exercises get. If you have yet to try it or want a demonstration, you can ask any of the Personal Trainers; they're always happy to share their knowledge.

We pride ourselves on our Personal Training department, as a leading gym in Saskatoon with Personal Training it's important that the Training Team is always expanding, growing and doing new things.  We welcomed Denise Kominetsky and Curtis Korchinski to the Personal Training Team.  They are both nationally certified, extremely knowledgeable, respectful and positive additions to the team.

Also happening in the Personal Training department was a pilot project aptly called the One Year Life Changing Transformation. Over a dozen nominees were narrowed down to five, after which the five remaining were interviewed by Two Trainers, Fitness Focus Managers, Herc's Nutrition Owner, and Owner of The District Kitchen & Bar to determine who was most deserving of this life changing opportunity.

The goal of this project was to offer one person the opportunity to lose a substantial amount of weight and learn how to change their lifestyle and management their health and body weight on their own thereafter.  Our Candidate has so far made great progress, we hope she can reach her goals,learn more about herself and fitness, and inspire people around her to do the same.

What do we have planned for 2018?  Just as we treat our health and fitness, we're planning for nothing but progress in the coming year.  We have some new plans Group Fitness and the Childcare Room, and we're looking forward to running a new member survey to find out from you, exactly how we've been doing and what you want to see moving into the future.

Thank you all for your support over the past year.

Membership Referral Rewards

Attention Members, it's time for your reward for referring your everyone to your favorite gym in Saskatoon!  Right about now you're asking, "Reward, what reward?"  The answer is yes, your reward of one free month for every friend, family member, co-worker or even a stranger on the street that you refer that signs up at Fitness Focus.
One Month Free on your membership is as good as money in your pocket.  That's like a dinner out at a restaurant, almost a tank of gas (if you don't drive an over-sized truck) or a chunk of your cell phone bill. But you don't have to stop at one referral; there's no limit to how many free months you can earn. In fact, you could get your whole workplace started at the gym to all receive corporate perks.a
Friend Referral to the best gym in Saskatoon

Take a Minute to Meet Our Trainers

Take a minute to learn why our Trainers are so unique and among the best in Saskatoon. Team Wawryk Trainers are passionate for wellness, living a healthy lifestyle, have a drive for personal improvement and the desire to help their clients discover and reach their goals. 

Team Wawryk Trainer - JESS FRIESEN

Personal Training Saskatoon at Fitness Focus

Hard work, perseverance, motivation and determination are just a few of the traits that have fueled her passions throughout her life. From a very early age, she discovered her athletic abilities and excelled at many sports including volleyball, basketball, swimming, track and hockey. After high school however, the demands of post secondary education forced Jess to lose focus on sports and a healthy lifestyle and soon came face to face with the reality of not only being uncomfortably overweight and out of shape, but also dealing with an unhealthy relationship with food. Once realizing that she allowed herself to lose sight of something that she had been so passionate about for so long, she decided to embark on a journey down the path of health and fitness and has never wanted to look back. Her own experiences battling weight issues, self image and emotional eating, she understands the effort, energy and support that it takes to get the desired results. Jess' ultimate goal as a personal trainer is to motivate inspire and educate others about the benefits of exercising and living a healthy lifestyle. Results do not come over night, but with patience, persistence, and consistency anyone can achieve realistic goals.


Team Wawryk Trainer - DENISE KOMINETSKY

 Saskatoon Gym Personal Training

She completed the CanFit Pro Fitness Instructor Specialist Course (FIS) in 2013, and the Personal Training Specialist Course (PTS) in 2016. Denise has been a Figure Competitor with the Saskatchewan Amateur Bodybuilding Association since 2011. She placed well in each competition and qualified for nationals after only her first year competing.


Saskatchewan Amateur Body Building SABBA 2015

Fitness Focus, we make it our mission to empower everyone in the gym to challenge themselves everyday.  A dedicated gym routine, no matter how casual or how intense can affect so many other aspects of our lives. So many reasons keep us coming back day in-day out; some people are trying to get in better shape for health reasons and some people need to burn off extra energy.  Lots of people are even training for a competitive event like a marathon or sanctioned fight, and a lot of the time we walk past them in the weight room without even knowing it. 

Here is a group of members from Fitness Focus that we usually do notice when they are training for their event.  We notice that their clothes might be fitting a bit loose, or their faces have leaned out from 2 weeks ago when we last saw them, or maybe the jug of water they've been toting around with them.  The body builders and physique competitors; we may not fully understand them, but like any other competitive athlete we know they are giving 100% to do what they love to do. We want to take a moment to recognize the members that represented Fitness Focus on May 23rd at the 2015 Saskatchewan Amateur Body Building Association Provincial Championship (SABBA 2015). Their dedication to training and diet for the past 16 weeks is a prime example of what challenging yourself everyday can accomplish.

 ROHAN BARNETT Men's Physique










 NANCY MONTEITH Physique Short

 PETER NGUYEN Body Building


 EVAN SHOUT Body Building


 JESS FRIESEN (Personal Trainer) Figure Short

 SHERRI HUNCHAK Women's Figure Tall

 JOHN GOERTZEN Body Building



If you have photos from any sport you do that you're proud of, please share them on our Facebook Page tag us on your INSTAGRAM (@fitnessfocussaskatoon) or email them to


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Fitness Focus
1250 Ontario Ave
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1S5
Ph: 306.244.6413


Monday - Thursday: 5am - 11pm
Friday: 5am - 10pm
Saturday: 8am - 8pm
Sunday: 8am - 8pm